Rossi, Peter H.
Evaluation :a systematic approach/ Peter H. Rossi, Mark W. Lipsey and Gary T. Henry - 8th ed. - London: Sage, 2019. - xviii,342p.
1. What Is Program Evaluation and Why Is It Needed? 2. Social Problems and Assessing the Need for a Program
3. Assessing Program Theory and Design
4. Assessing Program Process and Implementation 5. Measuring and Monitoring Program Outcomes 6. Impact Evaluation: Isolating the Effects of Social Programs in the Real World 7. Impact Evaluation: Comparison Group Designs 8. Impact Evaluation: Design With Strict Controls on Program Acess9. Detecting, Interpreting, and Exploring Program Effects 10. Assessing the Economic Efficiency of Programs
11. Planning an Evaluation
12. The Social and Political Context of EvaluationGlossaryReferencesAuthor IndexSubject Index
Evaluation research
300.723 / ROE
Evaluation :a systematic approach/ Peter H. Rossi, Mark W. Lipsey and Gary T. Henry - 8th ed. - London: Sage, 2019. - xviii,342p.
1. What Is Program Evaluation and Why Is It Needed? 2. Social Problems and Assessing the Need for a Program
3. Assessing Program Theory and Design
4. Assessing Program Process and Implementation 5. Measuring and Monitoring Program Outcomes 6. Impact Evaluation: Isolating the Effects of Social Programs in the Real World 7. Impact Evaluation: Comparison Group Designs 8. Impact Evaluation: Design With Strict Controls on Program Acess9. Detecting, Interpreting, and Exploring Program Effects 10. Assessing the Economic Efficiency of Programs
11. Planning an Evaluation
12. The Social and Political Context of EvaluationGlossaryReferencesAuthor IndexSubject Index
Evaluation research
300.723 / ROE