Analysis of intended, planned and enacted curriculum at higher secondary school level (Development of critical and creative thinking)
by Bushra;
Supervised by Afshan Huma, Dr.
-- Department of Educational Planning, Policy Studies and Leadership ; Faculty of Education Material type: Book Publisher: Islamabad: Allama Iqbal Open University, 2024Online Access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Central Library AIOU Islamabad [375 BUA] (1 ). Location(s): Research Repository (Theses Section) 375 BUA.
Impact of digital literacy on teachers' work performance in distance learning
by Alamdar Hasnain Naqvi, Syed;
Supervised by Zafar Iqbal, Dr. Muhammad.
-- Department of Educational Planning, Policy Studies and Leadership ; Faculty of Education Material type: Book Publisher: Islamabad: Allama Iqbal Open University, 2024Online Access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Central Library AIOU Islamabad [371.334 ALI] (1 ). Location(s): Research Repository (Theses Section) 371.334 ALI.
اقبالیاتی ادب میں تنقیدی رجحانات کا تحقیقی مطالعہ
by ثروت تنویر;
شیراز علی زیدی، ڈاکٹر سید: نگران.
-- Department of Iqbal Studies ; Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities Material type: Book Publisher: اسلام آباد: علامہ اقبال اوپن یونیورسٹی، 2023Online Access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Central Library AIOU Islamabad [891.439009 ث ر ا] (1 ). Location(s): Research Repository (Theses Section) 891.439009 ث ر ا.
نظیر صدیقی کی علمی وادبی خدمات کا تحقیقی وتجزیاتی مطالعہ
by مقصود الہی;
نورینہ تحریم بابر، ڈاکٹر: نگران.
-- Department of Urdu ; Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities Material type: Book Publisher: اسلام آباد: علامہ اقبال اوپن یونیورسٹی، 2021Online Access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Central Library AIOU Islamabad [928.91439 م ق ن] (1 ). Location(s): Research Repository (Theses Section) 928.91439 م ق ن.
پاکستان میں اردو کا دینی ادب : ایک لسانی مطالعہ; 1947ء 1970ء
by بلال بخت، محمد;
عبدالعزیز ساحر، پروفیسر ڈاکٹر: نگران.
-- Department of Urdu ; Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities Material type: Book Publisher: اسلام آباد: علامہ اقبال اوپن یونیورسٹی، 2019Online Access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Central Library AIOU Islamabad [891.4395 ب ل پ] (1 ). Location(s): Research Repository (Theses Section) 891.4395 ب ل پ.
قرآن کریم کی معاشرتی اصلاحات اور ان کی عصری معنویت : تجزیاتی مطالعہ
by عطااللہ;
ثنا اللہ حسین،ڈاکٹر: نگران.
-- Department of Quran & Tafseer ; Faculty of Arabic & Islamic Studies Material type: Book Publisher: اسلام آباد: علامہ اقبال اوپن یونیورسٹی، 2025Online Access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Central Library AIOU Islamabad [297.12204 ع ط ق] (1 ). Location(s): Research Repository (Theses Section) 297.12204 ع ط ق.
واقعات سیرت سے فقہی استدلال امام ابو قاسم بن سلام کا منہج تحقیقی و تجزیاتی مطالعہ
by عبدالغفار;
معین الدین ہاشمی، پروفیسر ڈاکٹر شاہ نگران : نگران.
-- Department of Seerat Studies ; Faculty of Arabic & Islamic Studies Material type: Book Publisher: اسلام آباد: علامہ اقبال اوپن یونیورسٹی، 2024Online Access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Central Library AIOU Islamabad [297.63 ع ب و] (1 ). Location(s): Research Repository (Theses Section) 297.63 ع ب و.
فروغ اقبالیات میں بشیر احمد نحوی کی کاوشوں کا تحقیقی وتنقیدی مطالعہ
by طالب حسین ہاشمی;
شیراز علی زیدی، ڈاکٹر سید: نگران.
-- Department of Iqbal Studies ; Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities Material type: Book Publisher: اسلام آباد: علامہ اقبال اوپن یونیورسٹی، 2024Online Access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Central Library AIOU Islamabad [928.91439 ط ا ف] (1 ). Location(s): Research Repository (Theses Section) 928.91439 ط ا ف.
اقبال اور مسلم فلاسفہ کے افکارو تصورات کا تحقیقی وتقابلی مطالعہ خطبات اقبال کے تناظر میں
by عروہ وحید سلیمانی;
شیراز علی زیدی،ڈاکٹر سید: نگران.
-- Department of Iqbal Studies ; Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities Material type: Book Publisher: اسلام آباد: علامہ اقبال اوپن یونیورسٹی، 2023Online Access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Central Library AIOU Islamabad [928.91439 ع را] (1 ). Location(s): Research Repository (Theses Section) 928.91439 ع را.
Analytical study of sufism and its cognizance in the west
by Tariq Ejaz;
Supervised by Mohyuddin Hashmi, Prof.Dr.
-- Department of Islamic Thought, History & Culture ; Faculty of Arabic & Islamic Studies Material type: Book Publisher: Islamabad: Allama Iqbal Open University, 2025Online Access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Central Library AIOU Islamabad [297.4 TAA] (1 ). Location(s): Research Repository (Theses Section) 297.4 TAA.
Usage of video streaming platforms : Effects on incidental learning of alpha kids and perceptions of millennial parents
by Ayesha Mirza;
Supervised by Saqib Riaz, Prof, Dr.
-- Department of Mass Communication ; Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities Material type: Book Publisher: Islamabad: Allama Iqbal Open University, 2024Online Access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Central Library AIOU Islamabad [384.558 AYU] (1 ). Location(s): Research Repository (Theses Section) 384.558 AYU.
Development and evaluation of omega 3 nano- Emulsified drink using green technology
by Nomeena Ghazi;
Supervised by Zaheer Ahmed, Dr.
-- Department of Environmental Design, Health & Nutritional Sciences With specialization in Community Health and Nutrition ; Faculty of Sciences Material type: Book Publisher: Islamabad: Allama Iqbal Open University, 2024Online Access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Central Library AIOU Islamabad [664.1 NOD] (1 ). Location(s): Research Repository (Theses Section) 664.1 NOD.
Impact of personality traits and cultural values on investment intentions : Mediated by phantasy and moderated by mindfulness ,A study of institutional investors of Pakistan/ stitutional investors of Pakistan
by Lubna Riaz;
Supervised by Salman Ali Qureshi, Dr.
-- Department of Business Administration ; Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities Material type: Book Publisher: Islamabad: Allama Iqbal Open University, 2024Online Access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Central Library AIOU Islamabad [155.2 LUI] (1 ). Location(s): Research Repository (Theses Section) 155.2 LUI.
Impact of sustainable leadership & servant leadership on sustainable performance with mediating role of structural empowerment and the moderating effect of organizational culture : A moderated mediation model
by Imam Ahmad;
Supervised by Mubashar Hussan Zia, Dr.
-- Department of Business Administration ; Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities Material type: Book Publisher: Islamabad: Allama Iqbal Open University, 2024Online Access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Central Library AIOU Islamabad [658.4 IMI] (1 ). Location(s): Research Repository (Theses Section) 658.4 IMI.
Relationship between transfomational leadership style and creative teaching practices in engineering education
by Ali, Muhammad;
Supervised by Sarwat Maqbool, Dr.
-- Department of Educational Planning, Policy Studies and Leadership ; Faculty of Education Material type: Book Publisher: Islamabad: Allama Iqbal Open University, 2024Online Access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Central Library AIOU Islamabad [378.1 ALR] (1 ). Location(s): Research Repository (Theses Section) 378.1 ALR.
مناسک حج سے متعلق جدید مسائل : فقہی آراء کا تجز یاتی مطالعہ
by نصر اللہ قریشی;
راو فرحان علی، ڈاکٹر حافظ : نگران.
-- Department of Shari’ah ; Faculty of Arabic & Islamic Studies Material type: Book Publisher: اسلام آباد: علامہ اقبال اوپن یونیورسٹی، 2022۔Online Access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Central Library AIOU Islamabad [297.55 ن ص م] (1 ). Location(s): Research Repository (Theses Section) 297.55 ن ص م.
سرکاری مناصب ووسائل کا ذمہ دارانہ استعمال شریعت اسلامیہ کی روشنی میں تحقیقی مطالعہ
by عاطف علی صدیقی;
غلام یوسف، ڈاکٹر: نگران.
-- Department of Shari’ah ; Faculty of Arabic & Islamic Studies Material type: Book Publisher: اسلام آباد: علامہ اقبال اوپن یونیورسٹی، 2015Online Access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Central Library AIOU Islamabad [352.3 ع ا س] (1 ). Location(s): Research Repository (Theses Section) 352.3 ع ا س.
Effects of covid-19 on journalists' performing abilities and their counter strategies during the pandemic in Pakistan
by Mubashar Hussain Shah, Syed;
Supervised by Babar Hussain Shah, Dr.
-- Department of Mass Communication ; Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities Material type: Book Publisher: Islamabad: Allama Iqbal Open University, 2024Online Access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Central Library AIOU Islamabad [070.449 MUE] (1 ). Location(s): Research Repository (Theses Section) 070.449 MUE.
Impact of electronic word of mouth (e wom) on political brand image and voter's percepion of mainstream political parties in Pakistan
by Talha Aslam;
Supervised by Saqib Riaz, Dr.
-- Department of Mass Communication ; Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities Material type: Book Publisher: Islamabad: Allama Iqbal Open University, 2024Online Access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Central Library AIOU Islamabad [324.973 TAI] (1 ). Location(s): Research Repository (Theses Section) 324.973 TAI.
Objective bayesian inference in random censorship model with reference prior method
by Maria Ajmal;
Supervised by Yameen Danish, Dr. Muhammad.
-- Department of Statistics ; Faculty of Sciences Material type: Book Publisher: Islamabad: Allama Iqbal Open University, 2020Online Access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Central Library AIOU Islamabad [519.542 MAO] (1 ). Location(s): Research Repository (Theses Section) 519.542 MAO.